adTempus API
IADTIndependentObject Interface

IADIndependentObject is implemented by all objects that are (or can be) independent (see Remarks below).

__interface IADTIndependentObject : IADTObject;
public interface IADTIndependentObject : IADTObject;
Visual Basic
Public Interface IADTIndependentObject
Inherits IADTObject

Data objects (objects that descend from IADTObject) in adTempus are classed as either dependent or independent objects: 

A dependent object is an object that has no life independent of another object with which it is associated (e.g., it can be used by only one job). For example, a JobStep is associated with exactly one job, and is deleted when that job is deleted. 

An independent object is an object that can have a life of its own. For example, a NotificationRecipient can be used by more than one job, and is therefore not deleted automatically when a job with which it is associated is deleted. 

Objects that are (or can be) independent implement the IADTIndependentObject interface, which allow the object to be directly saved and deleted. (Objects that are dependent cannot be directly saved and deleted; they are saved and deleted when their "parent" object is saved or deleted.)

adTempus API Reference version, revised 10/30/2008