Disable Execution for All Jobs

Sometimes it is convenient to pause all job execution in adTempus, for example while making widespread configuration changes or troubleshooting system issues.

Four methods can be used to accomplish this:

Hold the Root job group

Beginning with adTempus 4 you can place a Job Group on hold, and this hold will affect all jobs in the group and its sub-groups. Therefore you can hold the Root job group (the "Jobs" node in the Console) to hold all jobs. To do so: Right-click the Jobs node and select Hold > Disable all execution.

Note that any user with sufficient permission can re-enable execution by releasing the group.

Shut down adTempus

You can stop adTempus from running jobs by simply shutting down the adTempus service. However, if the adTempus service is not running you will not be able to view or modify jobs or other configuration settings.

Disable job execution using a startup option

To avoid the possibility of another user releasing the held Root group, you can disable job execution by stopping the adTempus service and restarting it with the norun option.

Note that if the adTempus service is subsequently restarted (e.g., if the computer is restarted), the option will not be applied, and execution will resume.

Disable job execution using a Registry option

To ensure that execution remains disabled even if the adTempus service is restarted again without the "norun" option, you can disable execution through a Registry setting. To do so:

  1. Stop the adTempus service.
  2. Run the Registry Editor and go to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Arcana Development\adTempus\default\options. (Note: If you are working with an adTempus instance other than the default, replace "default" with the appropriate instance name.)
  3. Create a new DWORD value named "Engine:RunJobs" and set it to "0".
  4. Start the adTempus service.

You can now connect to adTempus through the Console to view or modify job settings.

Note: This method disables all job execution. Jobs will not be triggered automatically, and will not execute if they are submitted manually.

To re-enable job execution, delete the "Engine:RunJobs" value and restart the adTempus service.