adTempus API
IJobQueue Properties

The properties of the IJobQueue class are listed here.

Gets or sets options indicating how jobs in the Queue are managed when distributed scheduling is being used. 
Gets the Remote Agents for the queue. 
Defines conditions that must be met for jobs in the queue to be executed. 
An optional extended description for the item. 
The optional effective schedules that define the dates/times when the queue is active. 
Indicates whether the queue is enabled 
Contains the jobs that are assigned to this queue. 
Gets the JobVariables for the queue. 
The maximum number of jobs that can be active in this queue at the same time. 
The maximum number of jobs that can be running in this queue at the same time, across all servers (Master and Agents) used by the Queue. 
The name of the queue. 
Defines the priority for this queue relative to other queues. 
Resources required by the queue. 
Determines whether queued jobs will be resubmitted on restart of the adTempus service. 
Indicates whether job in the Queue should be executed on the Master, in addition to any Agents
adTempus API Reference version, revised 10/30/2008