adTempus API
ExecutionOptionsEnum Enumeration

Specifies options that control execution of a job.

enum ExecutionOptionsEnum {
  eoIgnoreJobConditions = 1,
  eoIgnoreStepConditions = 2,
  eoForceNewInstance = 4,
  eoIgnoreHeld = 8,
  eoForceRunOnMaster = 0x20,
  eoSelectedStepOnly = 0x40,
  eoNoResponses = 0x80,
  eoIgnoreHeldQueue = 0x100,
  eoIgnoreQueueLimits = 0x200,
  eoRunOnMasterOnly = 0x400,
  eoNoJobControlResponses = 0x800,
  eoRunOnSameAgentOnly = 0x1000
public enum ExecutionOptionsEnum {
  eoIgnoreJobConditions = 1,
  eoIgnoreStepConditions = 2,
  eoForceNewInstance = 4,
  eoIgnoreHeld = 8,
  eoForceRunOnMaster = 0x20,
  eoSelectedStepOnly = 0x40,
  eoNoResponses = 0x80,
  eoIgnoreHeldQueue = 0x100,
  eoIgnoreQueueLimits = 0x200,
  eoRunOnMasterOnly = 0x400,
  eoNoJobControlResponses = 0x800,
  eoRunOnSameAgentOnly = 0x1000
Visual Basic
Public Enum ExecutionOptionsEnum
  eoIgnoreJobConditions = 1
  eoIgnoreStepConditions = 2
  eoForceNewInstance = 4
  eoIgnoreHeld = 8
  eoForceRunOnMaster = &H20
  eoSelectedStepOnly = &H40
  eoNoResponses = &H80
  eoIgnoreHeldQueue = &H100
  eoIgnoreQueueLimits = &H200
  eoRunOnMasterOnly = &H400
  eoNoJobControlResponses = &H800
  eoRunOnSameAgentOnly = &H1000
End Enum
eoIgnoreJobConditions = 1 
Conditions for the job will be ignored. 
eoIgnoreStepConditions = 2 
Conditions for steps will be ignored. 
eoForceNewInstance = 4 
A new instance of the job will be started even if the job's AlreadyRunningBehavior says otherwise. 
eoIgnoreHeld = 8 
The job will be started even if it is held. 
eoForceRunOnMaster = 0x20 
Runs the job on the Master even if its RunOnMaster option is False. 
eoSelectedStepOnly = 0x40 
Runs only the specified step (does not continue with additional steps). 
eoNoResponses = 0x80 
Suppresses all responses defined for the job and step(s). 
eoIgnoreHeldQueue = 0x100 
The job will be run even if its queue is held. 
eoIgnoreQueueLimits = 0x200 
Ignore all limits for the queue and force the job to regardless. 
eoRunOnMasterOnly = 0x400 
The job will be not be run on Agents associated with the job. 
eoNoJobControlResponses = 0x800 
Suppresses all job control responses defined for the job and step(s); other responses run normally. 
eoRunOnSameAgentOnly = 0x1000 
When used with a Job Control Action, the action targets the job only on the same Agent as the caller. 

Prior to version 3.0, the eoRunOnAgents option was used to specify that the job should run on Agents associated with it. Beginning with version 3.0, a job will by default be run on any Agents associated with the Queue to which it is assigned, and the eoRunOnAgents option has been eliminated. If you do not want to run the job on the Agents, include the eoRunOnMasterOnly option.

adTempus API Reference version, revised 10/30/2008