adTempus API
The CapturedFile class represents a file captured by adTempus due to a File Capture Action.
__interface ICapturedFile : IADTObject;
public interface ICapturedFile : IADTObject;
Public Interface ICapturedFile Inherits IADTObject
CapturedFile objects cannot be created or modified by client applications; they are created only by the adTempus server.
Captured files for a job can be found in the CapturedFiles collection for the job's ExecutionHistoryItems and ExecutionHistorySteps.
Note that the captured files for a job may be distributed among several CapturedFile collections those of the job itself and of the individual steps, depending on which object the capture action was associated with. The adTempus Console presents users with a single list, combining all captured files for the job.
adTempus API Reference version, revised 10/30/2008