adTempus API
IProvideValidation Interface

The IProvideValidation interface provides a common mechanism for clients to request validation from objects that offer self validation.

__interface IProvideValidation : IDispatch;
public interface IProvideValidation : IDispatch;
Visual Basic
Public Interface IProvideValidation
Inherits IDispatch


An object that implements the IProvideValidation interface indicates that it is capable of validating its own settings for valid values. 

For example, a dialog box that allows a user to change the properties of an object does not need to include data validation rules. Instead it can set the object's properties and then have the object perform validation itself. 

This ensures that the proper validation is always performed, and eliminates redundant coding of validation rules. 

Clients use the Validate method to request validation from the object.

adTempus API Reference version, revised 10/30/2008