Determines the action that a JobControlAction takes.
enum JobControlActionsEnum { jcaUndefined = 0, jcaHoldJob, jcaDeleteJob, jcaRunJob, jcaRestartJob, jcaStopExecutingSteps, jcaFailJob, jcaSucceedJob, jcaRunStep, jcaReleaseJob, jcaSucceedStep, jcaFailStep, jcaTerminateJob, jcaRestartStep };
public enum JobControlActionsEnum { jcaUndefined = 0, jcaHoldJob, jcaDeleteJob, jcaRunJob, jcaRestartJob, jcaStopExecutingSteps, jcaFailJob, jcaSucceedJob, jcaRunStep, jcaReleaseJob, jcaSucceedStep, jcaFailStep, jcaTerminateJob, jcaRestartStep }
Public Enum JobControlActionsEnum jcaUndefined = 0 jcaHoldJob jcaDeleteJob jcaRunJob jcaRestartJob jcaStopExecutingSteps jcaFailJob jcaSucceedJob jcaRunStep jcaReleaseJob jcaSucceedStep jcaFailStep jcaTerminateJob jcaRestartStep End Enum
Members |
Description |
jcaUndefined = 0 |
Undefined/Unknown |
jcaHoldJob |
The action holds a job. |
jcaDeleteJob |
The action deletes a job. |
jcaRunJob |
The action runs a job. |
jcaRestartJob |
The action restarts a job. |
jcaStopExecutingSteps |
The action causes adTempus to stop automatically executing the job's steps in sequence. |
jcaFailJob |
Sets the job's status to "Failed", regardless of the outcome of the job's steps (steps may continue executing, however, depending on execution rules; add a second action using jcaStopExecutingSteps if you also want the job to stop at this point) |
jcaSucceedJob |
Sets the job's status to "Succeeded", regardless of the outcome of the job's steps. |
jcaRunStep |
Runs another step in the same job. |
jcaReleaseJob |
Releases ("unholds") a job. |
jcaSucceedStep |
Sets the step's status to "Succeeded". |
jcaFailStep |
Sets the step's status to "Failed". |
jcaTerminateJob |
Terminates (aborts) a job. |
jcaRestartStep |
Restarts the step |
adTempus API Reference version, revised 10/30/2008