adTempus API
JobStatusEnum Enumeration

Indicates the status of a job, job step, or instance.

enum JobStatusEnum {
  jsUnknown = 0x00000000,
  jsNotRun = 0x00000001,
  jsAbandoned = 0x00000002,
  jsSkipped = 0x00000004,
  jsConditionNotMet = 0x00000005,
  jsWaitingForTrigger = 0x10010001,
  jsWaitingForRestart = 0x30140001,
  jsWaitingForPreviousInstance = 0x30040001,
  jsStarting = 0x20000001,
  jsRunning = 0x20000002,
  jsKilling = 0x20000003,
  jsAborting = 0x20050001,
  jsWaitingForCondition = 0x30020001,
  jsWaitingForResource = 0x30030001,
  jsFailed = 0x40000001,
  jsConditionFailed = 0x40020001,
  jsResourceFailed = 0x40030001,
  jsExecutionFailed = 0x40040001,
  jsTriggerFailed = 0x40010001,
  jsAborted = 0x00050001,
  jsKilled = 0x40000002,
  jsSucceeded = 0x80000001,
  jsQueued = 0x20000004,
  jsAgentQueued = 0x20000005,
  jsAgentDispatched = 0x20000006,
  jsResubmitted = 0x00000006,
  jsMissed = 0x00000007
public enum JobStatusEnum {
  jsUnknown = 0x00000000,
  jsNotRun = 0x00000001,
  jsAbandoned = 0x00000002,
  jsSkipped = 0x00000004,
  jsConditionNotMet = 0x00000005,
  jsWaitingForTrigger = 0x10010001,
  jsWaitingForRestart = 0x30140001,
  jsWaitingForPreviousInstance = 0x30040001,
  jsStarting = 0x20000001,
  jsRunning = 0x20000002,
  jsKilling = 0x20000003,
  jsAborting = 0x20050001,
  jsWaitingForCondition = 0x30020001,
  jsWaitingForResource = 0x30030001,
  jsFailed = 0x40000001,
  jsConditionFailed = 0x40020001,
  jsResourceFailed = 0x40030001,
  jsExecutionFailed = 0x40040001,
  jsTriggerFailed = 0x40010001,
  jsAborted = 0x00050001,
  jsKilled = 0x40000002,
  jsSucceeded = 0x80000001,
  jsQueued = 0x20000004,
  jsAgentQueued = 0x20000005,
  jsAgentDispatched = 0x20000006,
  jsResubmitted = 0x00000006,
  jsMissed = 0x00000007
Visual Basic
Public Enum JobStatusEnum
  jsUnknown = &H00000000
  jsNotRun = &H00000001
  jsAbandoned = &H00000002
  jsSkipped = &H00000004
  jsConditionNotMet = &H00000005
  jsWaitingForTrigger = &H10010001
  jsWaitingForRestart = &H30140001
  jsWaitingForPreviousInstance = &H30040001
  jsStarting = &H20000001
  jsRunning = &H20000002
  jsKilling = &H20000003
  jsAborting = &H20050001
  jsWaitingForCondition = &H30020001
  jsWaitingForResource = &H30030001
  jsFailed = &H40000001
  jsConditionFailed = &H40020001
  jsResourceFailed = &H40030001
  jsExecutionFailed = &H40040001
  jsTriggerFailed = &H40010001
  jsAborted = &H00050001
  jsKilled = &H40000002
  jsSucceeded = &H80000001
  jsQueued = &H20000004
  jsAgentQueued = &H20000005
  jsAgentDispatched = &H20000006
  jsResubmitted = &H00000006
  jsMissed = &H00000007
End Enum
jsUnknown = 0x00000000 
Status unknown, or has never been run. 
jsNotRun = 0x00000001 
The step was not run. 
jsAbandoned = 0x00000002 
The job or step was abandoned (because adTempus shut down while job was executing). 
jsSkipped = 0x00000004 
The job or step was skipped. 
jsConditionNotMet = 0x00000005 
One or more conditions was not met. 
jsWaitingForTrigger = 0x10010001 
The job is waiting for a trigger. 
jsWaitingForRestart = 0x30140001 
A restart is pending. 
jsWaitingForPreviousInstance = 0x30040001 
The job is waiting for a previous instance to finish. 
jsStarting = 0x20000001 
The job or step is starting. 
jsRunning = 0x20000002 
The job or step is running. 
jsKilling = 0x20000003 
The step is in the process of killing its process because it has exceeded its run time. 
jsAborting = 0x20050001 
The job or step is being aborted. 
jsWaitingForCondition = 0x30020001 
The job or step is waiting for one or more conditions to be satisfied. 
jsWaitingForResource = 0x30030001 
The job or step is waiting for one or more resources to be available. 
jsFailed = 0x40000001 
The job or step failed. 
jsConditionFailed = 0x40020001 
The job or step failed because a condition failed. 
jsResourceFailed = 0x40030001 
The job or step failed because a resource failed. 
jsExecutionFailed = 0x40040001 
The step failed the task could not be executed (e.g., a program could not be executed). 
jsTriggerFailed = 0x40010001 
The trigger could not be evaluated. 
jsAborted = 0x00050001 
The job or step was aborted by a user or JobControlTask. 
jsKilled = 0x40000002 
The step was killed because it exceeded its maximum run time. 
jsSucceeded = 0x80000001 
The job or step completed successfully. 
jsQueued = 0x20000004 
The job is queued, waiting for an execution slot. 
jsAgentQueued = 0x20000005 
The job is waiting to be sent to an agent. 
jsAgentDispatched = 0x20000006 
The job has been sent to the agent and is waiting for the agent to start it. 
jsResubmitted = 0x00000006 
The job or step was resubmitted. 
jsMissed = 0x00000007 
The last scheduled execution was missed. 

The high-order 16 bits of the JobStatusEnum values have a defined meaning: 


11111111 11111111
FEDCBA98 76543210 FEDCBA98 76543210
00110000 00010100 00000000 00000001
||||     --------
||||        |
||||        Facility
|||Waiting              (the job is waiting on something)
||Active                (the job is active)
|Failure                (a failure result)
Success                 (a success result)

adTempus API Reference version, revised 10/30/2008