adTempus API
ProcessPriorityEnum Enumeration

Specifies the priority for an executing process.

enum ProcessPriorityEnum {
  ppNormalPriority = 0x00000020,
  ppIdlePriority = 0x00000040,
  ppHighPriority = 0x00000080,
  ppRealtimePriority = 0x00000100,
  ppBelowNormalPriority = 0x00004000,
  ppAboveNormalPriority = 0x00008000
public enum ProcessPriorityEnum {
  ppNormalPriority = 0x00000020,
  ppIdlePriority = 0x00000040,
  ppHighPriority = 0x00000080,
  ppRealtimePriority = 0x00000100,
  ppBelowNormalPriority = 0x00004000,
  ppAboveNormalPriority = 0x00008000
Visual Basic
Public Enum ProcessPriorityEnum
  ppNormalPriority = &H00000020
  ppIdlePriority = &H00000040
  ppHighPriority = &H00000080
  ppRealtimePriority = &H00000100
  ppBelowNormalPriority = &H00004000
  ppAboveNormalPriority = &H00008000
End Enum
ppNormalPriority = 0x00000020 
Process with no special scheduling needs (default). 
ppIdlePriority = 0x00000040 
Process whose threads run only when the system is idle and are preempted by the threads of any process running in a higher priority class. 
ppHighPriority = 0x00000080 
Process that performs time-critical tasks that must be executed immediately for it to run correctly. 
ppRealtimePriority = 0x00000100 
Process that has the highest possible priority. 
ppBelowNormalPriority = 0x00004000 
Windows 2000/XP: Process that has priority above IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS but below NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS. 
ppAboveNormalPriority = 0x00008000 
Windows 2000/XP: Process that has priority above NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS but below HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS. 

See the Windows API documentation for the GetPriorityClass function for more information on values.

adTempus API Reference version, revised 10/30/2008