Options that define the capabilities of a RemoteAgent.
enum RemoteAgentOptionsEnum { ramSlave = 1, ramMirror = 2, ramQueueCommands = 4, ramFailover = 8 };
public enum RemoteAgentOptionsEnum { ramSlave = 1, ramMirror = 2, ramQueueCommands = 4, ramFailover = 8 }
Public Enum RemoteAgentOptionsEnum ramSlave = 1 ramMirror = 2 ramQueueCommands = 4 ramFailover = 8 End Enum
Members |
Description |
ramSlave = 1 |
The Agent supports "slaved" jobs. |
ramMirror = 2 |
The Agent supports mirrored jobs. |
ramQueueCommands = 4 |
Commands that cannot be delivered to the Agent should be queued and delivered when contact is reestablished. |
ramFailover = 8 |
Reserved for future use. |
adTempus API Reference version, revised 10/30/2008