adTempus API
ICapturedFile Members Public Properties
Public Properties
Gets the CID (numeric class ID) for the object. 
Gets the adTempus Class ID of the object 
Gets the name of the object's class. 
Gets the current edit level. 
Gets the date/time the captured file was last modified (in UTC) 
Gets the high-order bytes of the file's size 
Gets the low-order bytes of the file's size 
Determines whether the object has unsaved changes. 
Indicates whether this object is new. 
Gets the date and time when the object was last modified 
Gets the OID (unique identifier) of the object 
Gets the name of the file 
Gets the name of the folder from which the file was captured 
Gets the object's parent if it "belongs" to another object. 
adTempus API Reference version, revised 10/30/2008