Public NotInheritable Class JobGroup Inherits ADTIndependentObject
public sealed class JobGroup : ADTIndependentObject
public ref class JobGroup sealed : public ADTIndependentObject
All jobs belong to a JobGroup. Job Groups can be nested to any depth.
The top-level group is always in every adTempus instance and is represented in the Console by the "Jobs" node in the tree. It has an OID of ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Shared.WellKnownOIDs.RootGroup and IsRootGroup returns true. The root group cannot be deleted.
The root group does not have a ParentGroup; all other groups do.
When a group is created through DataContext.CreateObject it is assigned to the root group. If the caller does not have permission to assign groups to the root group, the creation call will fail. Use DataContext.CreateObject or NewGroup to create a group within a specific group.
To fetch existing jobs, use DataContext.GetJobGroup