Public NotInheritable Class NotificationIndividual Inherits NotificationRecipient
public sealed class NotificationIndividual : NotificationRecipient
public ref class NotificationIndividual sealed : public NotificationRecipient
A NotificationIndividual represents a recipient that has one or more addresses that notification messages are delivered to. This could be an individual user or a group mailbox maintained outside of adTempus. Within adTempus NotificationGroups can be used to send notifications to multiple recipients.
Each recipient has one or more Addresses, each of which can be for a different notification type. For example, a user may be configured to receive notification by email and by text message by adding an Address for each.
By default any message sent to the NotificationIndividual is sent to all of its Addresses, but each Address may optionally have rules determining which messages are delivered to it, based on the message severity or on a schedule.