Each notification message sent by adTempus is assigned a Severity that can be used to filter the recipients and addresses that receive the message (see the user guide for more information). If this recipient/address should only be used for certain severity levels, set the UseForSeverityComparison and UseForSeverity values as appropriate. To use the recipient/address for all messages, set UseForSeverityComparison to ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Shared.ComparisonOperator.Unspecified (the default) to not use severity filtering.
Messages that do not meet the security rules are not sent to this recipient/address.
The EffectiveSchedules allows you to specify days and times when this address should be used. When configured, messages sent outside the defined schedule(s) are not sent to this recipient/address.
To use Effective Schedules, set UseSchedules to true and add the appropriate schedules to EffectiveSchedules.
The ScheduleOverrideComparison and ScheduleOverrideSeverity work like UseForSeverityComparison and UseForSeverity, except that messages that meet these severity criteria ignore the Effective Schedules and are always sent.