adTempus API
ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Shared Namespace / IJobVariableDictionary Interface / Add Method / Add(String,String,Boolean) Method
The name of the variable to add or update
The new value for the variable
If true, the variable is also exposed as a Windows environment variable for programs run by the job

In This Topic
    Add(String,String,Boolean) Method
    In This Topic
    Adds or updates the variable with the specified key.
    Overloads Function Add( _
       ByVal Key As String, _
       ByVal value As String, _
       ByVal addToEnvironment As Boolean _
    ) As IJobVariable


    The name of the variable to add or update
    The new value for the variable
    If true, the variable is also exposed as a Windows environment variable for programs run by the job

    Return Value

    The newly-added JobVariable.
    Adding or updating variables in this collection only affects the job instance in which the script is running.
    See Also