adTempus API
ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Shared Namespace / Message Class / SetAdditionalProperty Method / SetAdditionalProperty(String,Int32) Method
The case-insensitive name of the property to set. If a property with the same name already exists, it is replaced with the new value.
The value for the property

In This Topic
    SetAdditionalProperty(String,Int32) Method
    In This Topic
    Sets a property for the message.
    Public Overloads Sub SetAdditionalProperty( _
       ByVal name As String, _
       ByVal value As Integer _
    public void SetAdditionalProperty( 
       string name,
       int value
    void SetAdditionalProperty( 
       String^ name,
       int value


    The case-insensitive name of the property to set. If a property with the same name already exists, it is replaced with the new value.
    The value for the property
    See Also