adTempus API
ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.ApplicationIntegration Namespace / IEmailProcessingParameters Interface

In This Topic
    IEmailProcessingParameters Interface Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by IEmailProcessingParameters.

    Public Properties
     Property The object ID of the executing instance. (Inherited from ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.ApplicationIntegration.IScriptParameters)
     Property The object ID of the instance step. (Inherited from )
     Property The type (source) of execution. (Inherited from )
     Property The date/time at which execution finished. (Inherited from )
     Property The date/time at which execution started. (Inherited from )
     Property The fully=qualified name of the executing job (job name and ancestor group names). (Inherited from )
     Property The name of the group to which the job belongs. (Inherited from )
     Property The object ID of the group to which the job belongs. (Inherited from )
     Property The instance number for the executing instance. (Inherited from )
     Property The name of the executing job. (Inherited from )
     Property The object ID of the executing job. (Inherited from )
     Property The name of the queue to which the group is assigned. (Inherited from )
     Property The object ID of the queue to which the group is assigned. (Inherited from )
     Property The current status of the job. (Inherited from )
     Property The message to evalate.  
     Property Gets the message body in plain text format.  
     Property Description of the executing step. (Inherited from )
     Property The date/time at which step execution finished. (Inherited from )
     Property The date/time at which step execution started. (Inherited from )
     Property The step number of the executing step. (Inherited from )
     Property The object ID of the executing step. (Inherited from )
     Property The current status of the step. (Inherited from )
     Property ClassID of the trigger that started the job (if any). (Inherited from )
    See Also