Member | Value | Description |
Abandoned | 19 |
Reserved for future use.
Aborted | 1 |
Occurs when the job is aborted by a user.
ConditionsFailed | 17 |
One or more condition for the job or step failed.
ConditionWaitThreshold | 39 |
Job or step has been waiting for conditions to be met for longer than the specified time.
Custom | 26 |
A custom response (the customEventID must be specified)
EmailFetchTaskMessageCount | 31 |
E-mail fetch task selected message count matches rules specified in exitCodeMax, exitCodeMin.
EmailFetchTaskNoMessagesSelected | 30 |
E-mail fetch task did not select any messages
EmailFetchTaskSomeMessagesSelected | 29 |
E-mail fetch task selected one or more messages
FileOperationFileCount | 34 |
Number of files affected by file operation matches rules specified in exitCodeMax, exitCodeMin.
FileOperationNoFilesAffected | 36 |
File operation did not affect any files
FileOperationSomeFilesAffected | 35 |
File operation affected one or more files
JobEnded | 4 |
Occurs when the job ends (regardless of its outcome).
JobFailed | 21 |
The job failed (one or more steps failed, or a condition failed, or an internal error occurred).
JobMissed | 28 |
Occurs when a scheduled execution is missed because adTempus was not running at the time.
JobQueued | 37 |
Job is queued for execution but cannot be executed immediately
JobRunning | 32 |
Occurs when initialization is complete, all conditions have been met, and step execution is beginning.
JobSkipped | 2 |
Occurs when the job is skipped.
JobStarted | 3 |
Occurs when the job starts.
JobSucceeded | 20 |
The job succeeded.
JobThreshold | 41 |
Job exceeds a time threshold
OnAbort | 24 |
Reserved for future use.
OnDemand | 40 |
Invoked by a script or other mechanism.
OnKill | 25 |
Occurs when the maximum run time for a task has been exceeded, before adTempus attempts to kill the target process or script.
QueueTimeThreshold | 38 |
Job has been queued for longer than the specified time.
Restarted | 15 |
The job or step was restarted due to a Response.
RestartLimitExceeded | 16 |
The restart limit for the job or step has been exceeded.
ServiceFailed | 18 |
The monitored service failed or was stopped outside of adTempus.
StepEnded | 6 |
Occurs when the step ends (regardless of its outcome).
StepFailed | 7 |
Occurs when the step fails (jeTaskExecutionFailed or jeTaskFailed is also fired).
StepSkipped | 23 |
The step was skipped.
StepStarted | 5 |
Occurs when the step starts.
StepThreshold | 42 |
Step exceeds a time threshold
TaskCompletedWithExitCode | 13 |
The task returned an exit code that meets the specified criteria.
TaskCompletedWithResult | 22 |
The task completed with a result that matches the specified target result.
TaskExecutionFailed | 8 |
The task could not be executed. For example, for a program execution task, the target program could not be started.
TaskFailed | 11 |
The task ran but returned a failure result. For example, for a program execution task, the target program returned an exit code that indicates failure.
TaskFinished | 10 |
The task finished. For example, for a program execution task, the target program ended (regardless of the result).
TaskKilled | 14 |
The task was killed because it exceeded its allowed run time.
TaskStarted | 9 |
The task started. For example, for a program execution task, the target program was successfully started.
TaskSucceeded | 12 |
The task ran and returned a successful result. For example, for a program execution task, the target program returned an exit code that indicates success.
TriggerFailed | 33 |
An error occurred while evaluating a trigger
Undefined | 0 |