Program Execution Task

The Program Execution Task is likely the main task that you will use in adTempus. The Program Execution task allows you to run programs and batch files.

Though the Program Execution Task can be used to run scripts as well, the Script Execution Task is tailored to script execution and is often a better choice. It can be used for PowerShell scripts as well.

The program is executed under the user account specified for the job, and therefore will only have access to the files and other resources that the user has access to. This includes the target program itself: the user must have the necessary permissions to launch the program.

Note that scheduled programs do not have access to network drive letters unless those drive letters have been mapped either by adTempus (on the Resources page for the job) or by the target itself (e.g., using a "net use" command in a batch file). See the Network Access topic for more information.