Find and Replace

The Find and Replace tool allows you to find jobs and other objects containing specified text, and optionally to replace text.

Other similar tools are available:

  • To jump quickly to a particular job within the Console, use the Go to Job tool instead.
  • To find all the places where an object such as a Credential Profile, Shared Script, Notification Recipient, etc., is used in adTempus, use the Find/Replace References command available on the pop-up menu for the object. For example, right-click a recipient in the Notification Recipients view, then select Find/Replace Referencesfrom the pop-up menu. To find or replace user credentials, right-click the profile in the Credential Profiles window and use Find/Replace References. This command will open the Object References window.

This tool does not search for the names of shared objects. For example, you cannot use it to find all the places where you use a particular Shared Script, Notification Recipient, Credential Profile, etc. To locate references to those objects, use the Find/Replace References tool instead.

After you configure the search options, click the Find button to begin the search/replace operation (see below).

Search Options

Search Jobs

Search Jobs

Check this option to search within jobs. Select the groups or jobs in which you want to search.

Search job history

When this option is checked, adTempus will search the history of the selected jobs in addition to the job definitions. Depending on the amount of history present and the options you select, this may be a slow process.

Log messages

adTempus will search the text of all messages in the Job Log for the selected job(s).

Captured files

adTempus will search the file names of all Captured Files for all instances of the selected job(s).

Contents of captured files

adTempus will search within the Captured Files for all instances of the selected job(s). For example, this option could be used to search for a particular error code within a log file captured by the job.

When you select this option, specify the patterns for the files that adTempus should search. Captured Files whose names do not match any pattern are ignored.

You can also exclude certain files by prefixing a pattern with -. For example, to include all files with a "txt" extension except captured console output, you could use this pattern:

*.txt; -Captured Console Output.txt

Search Elsewhere

Options on this page allow you to search within objects other than jobs. For example, you can search for a particular string within the code of a Shared Script.

If you are searching jobs, the search automatically includes any objects referenced by the jobs. For example, if adTempus is searching in a job that executes a Shared Script, that Shared Script will be searched even if you don't select the Shared Scripts option here. Use the options on this page to search in objects that may not be referenced by the jobs you are searching, or when you want to search in those objects without searching any jobs.

Search For

Specify the text you want to search for. You can use Regular Expressions for more flexibility.

Optionally you can replace the found text.

If you are using Regular Expressions, the replacement text can contain references to capture groups using the syntax "$1" (first capture group), etc.

Search and Replace


Click Find to begin the search process. adTempus will list all objects that match the search text, along with information about where the search text was found.

From the results list you can view or edit the objects where the text was found.

If you checked the Replace option, you will see the replacement values when you view or edit the objects, and if you click OK while editing an object, it will be saved with the new values.


To replace text, select the objects that you want the replacement applied to and click Save Selected. You may optionally choose to have adTempus create Snapshots of all affected objects before the changes are applied, allowing you to revert to the previous version if necessary.

When you click Save Selected, adTempus saves the objects in a single transaction; if any object fails to save, then all changes are rolled back.