Data Import and Export
The adTempus Import/Export facility allows you to copy data between adTempus servers. The following kinds of objects can be transferred:
- Jobs
- Shared Schedules
- Holiday Sets
- Messaging Service Providers
- Notification Recipients
- File Service Providers
- Shared Scripts
- Script Libraries
- Server Settings
When you export an object, any objects on which it depends are automatically exported. For example, when you export a job, any scripts, notification recipients, shared schedules, etc., that are used in the job are exported with it.
When you import data from a data file, adTempus checks each object to see if it already exists. If it does, the object already in adTempus is replaced if the object in the file has a later timestamp.
adTempus 4.0 and later use a different export format than previous versions of adTempus, but is able to read and write the format used by version 3.
adTempus 3.0 and later use a different export format than previous versions of adTempus. adTempus 3.0 and later cannot import data exported from a version older than 3.0, and vice-versa.
Data Format
adTempus exports data in XML format. However, this file is not designed to be used to import data from other scheduling systems or to be created from scratch to load data into adTempus. If you need an automated method to create and configure jobs, you should use the adTempus API instead.