Execution Schedule Properties

The Execution Schedule Properties window allows you to view or edit the properties of a Schedule for a Schedule Trigger.

Property Pages

Date Selection

The Date Selection page defines the days on which the job will run. You may either use an existing Shared Schedule or specify dates for the job.

Enable this schedule

Check this option to make the schedule "active." If the Schedule is not enabled, it will be ignored by adTempus (jobs will not be triggered according to this schedule).

Optional Descriptive Name

You may optionally enter a descriptive name for this schedule. If none is entered, adTempus will use a name generated based on the settings.

Use this shared schedule

Check this option to use an existing Shared Schedule to determine the days on which the job will run. Select the shared schedule that you wish to use.

You still must specify the times the job will run, using the Time Selection page.

Date Selection

The date selection options are not available if you have chosen to use a shared schedule. There are two options for specifying the days that the job will run:

Active Range

Specify the earliest date and time to which this schedule applies. Optionally, specify an ending date and time.

If you specify an ending date and time, the schedule will not be used (will not trigger jobs) after that date/time.


The Sharing options are not available if you have chosen to use a shared schedule.

Once you have created a schedule for your job, you can share it to make it available for use in other jobs.

Make this schedule available for use by other jobs

Check this option to share the schedule.

Once you have checked this option and saved your changes by clicking OK, your schedule becomes a Shared Schedule. When you return to this window you will find that the Use this shared schedule option is now checked and your schedule is selected in the shared schedule list. To modify the schedule you must edit it as a shared schedule.

Once a schedule has been shared, it cannot be "unshared" without deleting it.

Name for shared schedule

Provide a descriptive name for the schedule. The name is required, and must be unique across all existing shared schedules.

Time Selection

The Time Selectionpage defines the times at which the job will run.

Trigger every...

Select this option to execute the job at a fixed interval (e.g., every 5 minutes or every 2 hours). The first execution will occur at the starting time you specify.

Trigger at these times

Select this option to specify exact times at which the job should execute. You can list any number of times.

New feature iconRandomize Start Time

Check this option to have adTempus randomize the start time. This can be used to ease the load on adTempus or the server. For example, if you have a large number of jobs that run every hour, you can configure them to start randomly within 5 minutes of the beginning of the hour.

When you check this option, adTempus will randomly choose a start time within the specified number of minutes after the scheduled start time. If you also check the Allow job to start before scheduled time, the job may be started within the specified number of minutes before the scheduled start time as well. That is, if the job is scheduled to run at 11:30 and you set a limit of 5 minutes and check the before option, the job will start somewhere between 11:25 and 11:35.