Job Variable Properties

The Job Variable Properties window allows you to view or modify the definition for a Job Variable.


Variable Name

Enter a name for this Variable. The name must be unique within the list of variables it is being added to. If the object you are adding the Variable to already has a variable with the same name, you cannot change the name or add a new Variable with the same name. However, you can edit the existing variable to override its value.

Variable names can be up to 255 characters in length and are not case sensitive ("MyVariable" is the same as "myvariable").

Include in program's environment variables

If this option is checked, this variable will be included in the environment variables for any programs run by job steps that use these variables. If the option is not checked, the variable will be available for use within adTempus but will not be in the program's environment variables.

New feature iconHide Value

If this option is checked, the value of the variable will not be visible in lists in adTempus. The value will also not be visible in this window unless you unhide it or click the Reveal value button. Only users with permission to modify the variable can reveal the value.

New feature iconVariable Type

Select the type of data this variable holds. If the variable will hold a date, time, or numeric value, setting the type appropriately allows you to format the value when inserting it.


Enter the value for this Variable. There is no limit on the length or content of the value for string variables.


Optionally, enter a description or notes about this Variable.