Holiday Set Properties
The Holiday Set Properties window allows you to view or edit a Holiday Set.
Property Pages
The Schedule page defines the days that constitute holidays.
Provide a descriptive name for this holiday set. The name must be unique across all holiday sets and shared schedules.
Enable this schedule
Check the box to enable the holiday set or clear the box to disable it. If a holiday set is disabled, it will not appear in the list of available holiday sets when you are creating a job. Also, it will no longer cause jobs that use it to not execute on the holidays.
Rules for all years
Specify any number of specific dates or date rules to define the days that are holidays. See the Select Days topic for information on specifying days. The rules you enter here will apply to all years.
Rules for specific years
If you have rules that only apply to specific years, enter them here. For each rule you may choose whether to apply the rule to all years, to a single year, or to a range of dates.
The Security page is used to view or modify the security settings for this object. See the Security Editor topic for more information on editing security settings.
The following permissions apply to Holiday Sets:
Permission to create new Holiday Sets is controlled through the Shared Schedule and Holiday Security window.