Restoring the Database

The Restore command (Tools > Restore Database) is used to restore your adTempus database using a backup file created by the Backup command or by an automatic backup.

This topic covers database backups, which are used to recover your entire adTempus database in the event of a failure. Database backups cannot be used to restore selected jobs or other objects. Configure automatic snapshots to allow you to recover data at a more granular level.

This tool is intended for use with the SQL Server Express database engine installed with adTempus. If you are using your own database server, you should use the backup and restore tools provided in the server's management software instead. If you use this tool with a remote database server, note that the file path you enter for the backup file will be evaluated on the database server, and must therefore be valid on that computer, not on the computer where you are running the tool.

The Restore operation will overwrite the adTempus database with the backup; you will lose any changes made since the backup was taken.