Command Line Examples

The following examples illustrate the command-line syntax for Report Commander.

Note that the easiest way to construct the command line is to use the Command-Line Builder.

Print a report that does not require any database credentials:

adcrutil report=c:\reports\myreport.rpt print


Print a report that requires database credentials, using a specified printer:

adcrutil report=c:\reports\myreport.rpt printer="HP Laserjet 2300" print login=claire:6q3011Ct


Export a report that requires one parameter to HTML format, e-mail it to two recipients, and delete the file:

adcrutil report=c:\reports\myreport.rpt login=claire:6q3011Ct exportformat=html exportfile=myreport.htm removefile emserver= [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] emsubject="Daily Sales Report" emtext="The daily sales report is attached" parameters "1/15/2004"