Excel Export Options

Formatting Options

When you export to Excel, the following additional command-line options are valid:


The method for setting column widths.

Valid values:

Columns widths are based on objects in the report header
Columns widths are based on objects in the page header
Columns widths are based on objects in group headers
Columns widths are based on objects in detail sections
Columns widths are based on objects in group footers
Columns widths are based on objects in page footers
Columns widths are based on objects in report footers
Columns widths are based on objects in the whole report
Columns use the fixed width specified using the -columnwidth parameter
Columns are sized automatically

Default value: fixed


The column width, if you want fixed-width columns for an Excel export. Set to 0 for automatic column width. If a value other than 0 is specified, the columnwidthmode is treated as "fixed". Default value: 0.


Determines how page headers and footers should be exported. Valid values for option are:

Page headers and footers not exported
Page headers and footers are exported once at the beginning of the report
Page headers and footers are exported for each page


The first page of the page range to export.


The last page of the page range to export.


Convert dates to strings. Default value: False.


Show grid lines. Default value: False.


Tab has column headings. Default value: True.


Group number to base column widths on. Default value: 0.


Show group outlines. Default value: False.