HTML Export Options

When you export to HTML, Report Commander by default creates a single HTML file containing the entire report. Use the -separate option to generate a separate HTML file for each page of the report. When using this option you will probably want the -navbar option as well, which includes a simple navigation bar at the bottom of each page.

Any graphics contained in the report will be exported as image files, saved in the same directory as the HTML page(s).

When you upload or e-mail the exported report, Report Commander includes all of the pages and image files.


If you are exporting your report to HTML and then sending the output by e-mail, you can use the HTML output as the body of the e-mail message, rather than including it as an attachment. The following command line illustrates this:

adcrutil -report="C:\reports\myreport.rpt"  -exportformat=html -exportfile="c:\temp\output.htm" -removefile -emserver= -emsender="[email protected]" -emrecipient="[email protected]" -emsubject="Today's sales results" -emtext="@c:\temp\output.htm"

Note that the emtext option points to the same file as the exportfile option (the "@" sign in the emtext option tells Report Commander to set the e-mail body text to the contents of the file, rather than to the literal text "c:\temp\output.htm".

When Report Commander detects that the emtext and exportfile are the same, the file is used as the body and is not also included as an attachment.

HTML Formatting Options

When you export to HTML, the following additional command-line options are valid:


When exporting to HTML, include a navigation bar on each page of the output.


When exporting to HTML, generates a separate HTML file for each page of the report.


This option is used when uploading the export file. More information.


This option is used when uploading the export file. More information.


When exporting to HTML, "flattens" the directory structure so that images are in the same directory as the HTML files, rather than a subdirectory.


The first page of the page range to export.


The last page of the page range to export.