HTML Export Options Page

The HTML Export Options page is available if you select HTML 4.0 or HTML3.2 as the export format.

Separate HTML file for each page
When exporting to HTML, check this option to have Report Commander generate a separate HTML file for each page of the report. If this option is not checked, a single HTML page is created, containing all of the report data, regardless of the number of pages in the original report.
Include navigation bar on each page
When Separate HTML file for each page is checked, check Include navigation bar on each page to include simple navigation links at the bottom of each HTML page (for navigation between pages).
Images in same directory as HTML
When this option is checked, any images for the report are placed in the same directory as the HTML files. If the option is not checked, the images are placed in a subdirectory called "images" below the export folder you specify.

Related Concepts

Export Formats and Options

Related Topics

HTML Export Options (Command Runner)

HTML Export Settings (Project Editor)