Distribution Lists in Report Commander work like group mailing lists in your e-mail system: they give you an easy way to send e-mail messages to a group of people.
For example, if you frequently send reports to your sales managers, you can create a Distribution List called "Sales Managers" that includes all of your sales managers. Then, when you are configuring an E-Mail Task, you can specify the list as a recipient, and Report Commander will send the message to all members of the list.
You can use a Distribution List anywhere in Report Commander that you enter e-mail recipients. Just enter the name of the list, prefixed with an "@" sign: @Sales Managers.
You can reach this window from the Distribution Lists tab of the Project Properties Panel in the Project Editor, or from the User Settings window in the Command Line Builder.
Provide a name for the list.
If you create a list with the same name as an existing list (for example, you add a list to your Project that has the same name as a list in the Shared Settings), Report Commander will merge the lists at runtime and send e-mail to all members.
Enter the addresses and, optionally, names of the members of this list. You can paste a list of e-mail addresses from the clipboard or enter them one-by-one.
Distribution Lists can contain other Distribution Lists as members. For example, if you are creating a list named "Managers" you can add the Address @Sales Managers and Report will include all members of the "Sales Managers" list in messages sent to the "Managers" list.
To remove a recipient, select the row in the list by clicking the row header at the left side of the row, then press the Delete key on the keyboard.