Using the Project Properties panel or the User Settings window you can define variables, mail servers, file servers, and distribution lists that can be used from any Report Commander project or command that you run on this computer. If you want to make those settings available to other users or on a different computer, you need to copy the settings file to the appropriate location.
For example, if you create Projects while logged in under your own user account, but Projects are executed under a different user account, you will need to copy the shared settings to that account or make them available to all users.
Your user settings are saved in the file "%LocalAppData%\Arcana Development\Report Commander\sharedsettings.xml".
In the procedures below there is no way to merge settings from two files: one set of settings will always replace another completely. If you are familiar with XML and promise to be careful, you can edit the files directly and copy over individual pieces as you require.
If you have the appropriate file permissions, you can directly edit Shared settings on the Project Properties Panel. These Shared settings are available to all users on the computer.
If you don't have permission to manage Shared settings directly, you can use one of these approaches to share your settings with other users:
If you are editing projects on one computer but need to be able to execute them on another, you need to make sure all the User and Shared settings are available on that computer.
To do this you (or a user with the necessary permissions) can copy either your user settings file ("%LocalAppData%\Arcana Development\Report Commander\sharedsettings.xml") or the computer's shared settings file
("%ProgramData%\Arcana Development\Report Commander\SharedSettings.xml") to the other computer. On the other computer you can place the file either in the computer shared settings folder or in the user settings folder of the appropriate user account.
Shared settings (shared by all users on a computer) are stored in the file "%ProgramData%\Arcana Development\Report Commander\SharedSettings.xml". Any user who has permission to modify that file will be permitted to add, modify, and delete Shared items in the Project Editor.
If you need to copy some shared settings from one computer to another but don't want to copy the entire shared settings file, you can use Copy/Paste on the Windows clipboard to copy settings.
If you have access to both computers at the same time, you can do this directly. For example, suppose you're using Report Commander on your desktop and want to copy settings for a Mail Server to another computer where you're running Report Commander, and you're connected to that computer using Remote Desktop. On your desktop computer, right-click the Mail Server and select the Copy command. Then, in your Remote Desktop session, go to the Mail Server settings, right-click, and paste the mail server definition into the settings. You have now copied the settings to the other computer.
If you can't copy directly like this, you can still copy by using a project file as an intermediary: