Print Output

A Print Output is used to print a report to a physical or virtual printer.

A Print Output uses the report parameters specified in the Output Group it belongs to. You can have several Print Outputs under one Output Group if you need to print the report to different printers using the same parameters. You can also have a mix of print and file outputs in the same Output Group.

To add a new Print Output to an Output Group, select the Output Group in the Project Navigator and click the Add Print Output button () on the main toolbar.

Print Output Properties Panel

To reach this panel, select the Output name in the Project Navigator and click the Settings () button in the main toolbar.


Select Use default printer to print to the default printer for the user account that the project is executed under. To print to a specific printer, select or enter the printer name. If the project will be executed on a different computer than where it is being edited, you may need to manually enter the proper printer name.
Paper Source
Select the paper source to use when printing.
Enter the number of copies to print.
Export Page Range
Select the range of pages to print.
Check this box to enable processing for the output. If you want to temporarily stop producing this export without deleting it from the project, uncheck the box and the output will be skipped when the project is executed.
Print Engine
Select the print engine to use. Use the "Default" engine unless you encounter a printing problem and the knowledge base indicates that you should use a different setting.
ID Code
The ID Code is used to identify this item when filtering is applied on the Project Runner command line.

Specifying Additional Printer Options

The Crystal Reports runtime components that Report Commander uses to print reports do not allow for customization of print settings beyond the settings listed here. If you need to configure special printing options, the best way to do so is to create a second printer definition for the printer you are using, and configure that copy to use the settings you need as its default settings. Then instruct Report Commander to print to that copy of the printer definition. Refer to this article for additional information.