adTempus API
Getting a Notification Recipient

This example demonstrates how to find or create a NotificationIndividual object for a given e-mail address.


This code returns a NotificationIndividual object for a given SMTP e-mail address. If an existing NotificationIndividual already uses the specified e-mail address, that NotificationIndividual is returned. Otherwise a new NotificationIndividual is created and returned. 

The method requires an existing client connection. See Creating a Client Session for an example of creating a client connection. 


dim aRecipient as NotificationIndividual
    aRecipient=NotificationRecipientGetter.GetRecipient(connection,"joe user","[email protected]")


Public Class NotificationRecipientGetter
    'Gets a NotificationIndividual object for the specified e-mail address.
    'GetRecipient first checks to see if there is an existing NotificationIndividual
    'that uses the specified e-mail address. If so, that NotificationIndividual is
    'Otherwise, GetRecipient creates a new NotificationIndividual and NotificationAddress
    'to represent the name and e-mail address.
    Public Shared Function GetRecipient(ByVal connection As Scheduler, ByVal name As String, ByVal emailAddress As String) As NotificationIndividual
        Dim recipients As ADTObjects
        Dim address As NotificationAddress
        Dim recipient As NotificationIndividual
        Dim filter As New NotificationRecipientFilter(emailAddress)
        Dim recordCount As Int32

        'check to see if there's already a NotificationIndividual that
        'uses this e-mail address. At this point we only look at the
        'e-mail address, and ignore the name.
        recipients = connection.GetObjectsWhere(filter, 1, True, recordCount)
        If recipients.Count > 0 Then
            'There is already a Notification Recipient for this
            Return CType(recipients(0), NotificationIndividual)
        End If

        'no existing recipient found; create a new one
        recipient = CType(connection.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_NotificationIndividual), NotificationIndividual)
        recipient.Name = name

        address = CType(connection.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_NotificationAddress), NotificationAddress)
        address.AddressType = NotificationAddressTypeEnum.natSMTP
        address.RecipientAddress = emailAddress
    'We don't need to save the Recipient here, because it will get saved by whatever object it
    'gets associated with.
        Return recipient
    End Function
    'Filter used with IScheduler.GetObjectsWhere to get the notification
    'recipient(s) associated with a given e-mail address.
    Private Class NotificationRecipientFilter
        Implements IObjectRequestFilter
        Public EMailAddress As String = ""
        Public Sub New(Optional ByVal address As String = "")
            EMailAddress = address
        End Sub
        Public Function GetOrderClause() As String Implements ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Client.IObjectRequestFilter.GetOrderClause
            Return ""
        End Function

        Public Function GetSelectClause() As String Implements ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Client.IObjectRequestFilter.GetSelectClause
            Return "*"
        End Function

        Public Function GetTableName() As String Implements ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Client.IObjectRequestFilter.GetTableName
            Return "notificationIndividual"
        End Function

        Public Function GetWhereClause() As String Implements ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Client.IObjectRequestFilter.GetWhereClause
            Return "oid in (select owner from notificationaddress where addressType=1 and address='" & EMailAddress & "')"
        End Function
    End Class

End Class
adTempus API Reference version, revised 10/30/2008