Command-Lne Syntax

The Project Runner (adcrutil) does not use project files (use the Project Runner to execute project files). Instead, all processing is controlled through command-line options. If you don't want to work directly with command-line options, you can use the Command Line Builder to generate the command line for you.


adrcexec -project=projectfilename [-option[=value] ...] [variable="value" ...]

The only required parameters is the -project, which tells Report Commander which project to execute. Report Commander will process all reports, output groups, outputs, and tasks in the project, except for those that have been disabled.

General Options

Option Description

Provide the complete path and name of the project file to execute. This option is required.


Specifies one or more Reports to process. If no -report option is specified, all enabled reports in the project are processed. If the -report option is used, only the specified reports are processed. If you specify a report using this option, it will be processed even if it is disabled in the project.

To specify more than one report, repeat this option for each report.

The reportID is the name of the report, without the file extension, or the numeric ID Code shown on the report properties panel.

For example, execute only the "dailysales" and "weeklysales" reports and the report with ID number 4:

-report="dailysales" -report="weeklysales" -report=4


Specifies one or more Output Groups to process. If no -group option is specified, all enabled output groups in the project are processed. If the -group option is used, only the specified groups are processed. If you specify a group using this option, it will be processed even if it is disabled in the project. The specified group will be processed even if the -report selections (if present) exclude the parent report.

To specify more than one group, repeat this option for each group, or combine multiple numeric IDs in a single option.

If the project has output groups with the same name in more than one report, include the report name as part of the groupID. Alternatively you can use the numeric ID Code shown on the Output Group properties panel.

-group="Sales Trend" -group="Retail Location Sales.Yesterday's Sales" -group="42,18"

(where "Retail Location Sales" is the name of the report that the "Yesterday's Sales" group is in)


Specifies one or more Outputs to process. If no -output option is specified, all enabled outputs in the project are processed. If the -output option is used, only the specified outputs are processed. If you specify an output using this option, it will be processed even if it is disabled in the project. The specified output will be processed even if the -report and -group selections (if present) exclude the parent report or group.

To specify more than one output, repeat this option for each output.

The outputID is the numeric ID Code shown on the properties panel for the output. You may combine multiple outputIDs using commas.

-output="1" -output="5" -output="3,7"


Specifies one or more Output Tasks to process. If no -task option is specified, all enabled tasks in the project are processed. If the -task option is used, only the specified tasks are processed. If you specify a task using this option, it will be processed even if it is disabled in the project.

The taskID is the numeric ID Code shown on the properties panel for the task. You may combine multiple taskIDs using commas.

-task="1" -task="2,3,4"

To suppress all output tasks (e.g., to avoid sending e-mail messages while testing), use



You can override any variable defined in the Project by specifying a new value on the command line.

Variable values must come last on the command line, after all options have been set.

For example, you have defined a variable named Region in the project, and this variable is passed to the report as a report parameter. you can set the value on the command line by using this syntax

adrcexec -project="c:\projects\salesreport.rcproject" region="East1"

Logging Options

By default the Project Runner will write informational and higher level messages to the console. If a log file is configured in the Project Properties, messages of all levels will be written to that log file.

You can override or supplement logging through the options shown below.

Option Description
-suppressprojectlog[{+|-}] If specified, suppresses the log file (if any) configured in the Project Properties (the log file will not be produced). Default: False.
-logfilename=filename Specifies a log file to write to. If you include -suppressprojectlog, this log will be produced instead of the log file configured in the Project. If you do not include -suppressprojectlog, both logs will be produced.
-appendlog[{+|-}] Determines whether the log file is appended to (True) or overwritten (False). Default: True. Only used if -logfilename is specified.

Determines the lowest-level message that will be written to the log file. The default is debug, which means that all messages will be written.

If you have specified -logfilename, this setting applies to that log file. If you have not specified -logfilename, the setting applies to the log file configured in the Project.

-consoleloglevel={debug|verbose|info|warning|error|off} Determines the lowest-level message that will be written to the console. The default is info, which means that informational, warning, and error messages will be written.
-debug Shortcut for -consoleloglevel=debug.
-verbose Shortcut for -consoleloglevel=verbose.
-silent Causes the program to run silently. Has the same effect as -consoleloglevel=off (no messages logged to console), plus the banner (program name and copyright information) is also suppressed.