adTempus API
ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Client Namespace / Job Class / GetHistoryAndMessages Method
Parameters for selecting the instances to return. Set to a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if you don't want the history, but then you might as well call GetExecutionHistory. See Remarks for additional information.
On return, contains the requested instances
Parameters for selecting the log messages to return. Set to a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if you don't want the messages, but then you might as well call GetLogMessages.See Remarks for additional information.
On return, contains the requested log messages

In This Topic
    GetHistoryAndMessages Method (Job)
    In This Topic
    Gets history (instances) and messages (job log) for the job


    Parameters for selecting the instances to return. Set to a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if you don't want the history, but then you might as well call GetExecutionHistory. See Remarks for additional information.
    On return, contains the requested instances
    Parameters for selecting the log messages to return. Set to a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if you don't want the messages, but then you might as well call GetLogMessages.See Remarks for additional information.
    On return, contains the requested log messages

    The TargetObjects collection for historyParameters and logParameters are cleared of all values and the job's OID is added. That is, this method will only return data for the current job. To query for multiple jobs use GetHistoryAndMessages.

    This method combines GetExecutionHistory and GetLogMessages in a single server call, making it more efficient than calling them separately if you need both instances and messages. If you only need one or the other, call the appropriate method.

    Log messages associated with an instance are returned as part of that instance when you query the history here or with GetExecutionHistory and are accessible through ExecutionHistoryItem.LogMessages; they do not require the use of the logParameters or a separate call to GetLogMessages. Using logParameters is only necessary to query for messages that are not associated with a specific instance.

    See Also