| Class | Description |
| AccessControlEntry |
Represents a set of permissions that share the same secured object, security entity, and inheritance rules.
| ADTIndependentObject | Base class for top-level ADTObject objects. |
| ADTObject |
Base class for all adTempus data objects.
| AlertNotificationRule |
Defines a rule for sending notification messages in response to Alerts.
| AmazonS3Connector | |
| Application |
The Application class is used to create new connections to an adTempus server.
| ApplicationIntegration |
Allows applications run by adTempus to interact with the adTempus server.
| AuditAndSnapshotSettings |
Contains information about the snapshot and audit settings that will be applied to an object update operation.
| AzureBlobConnector | |
| AzureFileConnector | |
| BackblazeB2Connector | |
| BoundaryViolationException | The exception that is thrown if an ADTObject created in one DataContext is used in a different DataContext. |
| BoxConnector | |
| CapturedFile | The CapturedFile class represents a file captured by adTempus due to a FileCaptureAction, NotificationAction, or programmatic capture by a script. |
| ClassOption |
Stores audit, snapshot, and other settings for a class of objects.
| CloudStorageConnector | |
| CloudStorageConnectorUsingCredentials | |
| CloudStorageConnectorUsingOAuth2 | |
| ComputerMonitor |
A Computer Monitor Trigger
| Condition |
Base class for all Conditions
| ConditionStatus | Shows the status of a Condition. |
| CredentialProfile |
Stores a set of login credentials (user ID and password) for Windows or another system.
| CustomAction | A custom ResponseAction |
| CustomCondition | A custom Condition |
| CustomProperty | |
| CustomTask | A custom Task |
| CustomTrigger | A custom Trigger |
| DatabaseOperationTask | Represents a Database Operation Task. |
| DataContext |
Defines an isolation context within which most data fetch/update operations occur.
| DataSetProjector |
Projects adTempus API objects onto DataSets for use in reporting or other contexts.
| DateCriterion |
Specifies rules for the dates on which a job will trigger
| DaySpecification | Specifies the day(s) that a DateCriterion applies to, by specifying a specific date or a rule to determine the date. |
| DigitalOceanSpacesConnector | |
| DropboxConnector | |
| DuplicateItemException |
Thrown when you attempt to add a duplicate item to a collection
| EffectiveSchedule |
Represents an effective schedule, used to control when notification recipients, addresses, and group members are acvtive
| EmailTask |
A task to download and process e-mail messages.
| EmailTrigger |
A trigger that fires based on email messages
| EventLogMonitor |
A trigger that monitors the Windows Event Log and fires based on new events
| ExclusionPeriod |
Represents a time period when jobs cannot run.
| ExecuteJobResult | Contains the results from a call to JobServices.ExecuteJob. |
| ExecutionHistoryItem | |
| ExecutionHistoryStep | Represents a step within an instance of a job |
| FileCaptureAction |
Action that captures files and saves them to the job history
| FileCaptureSpec | Rule defining a file captured by a FileCaptureAction, FileTrigger, or NotificationAction. |
| FileCondition |
A condition that depends on the state of files
| FileOperationTask |
Task that performs file operations (copy, move, etc.)
| FileServiceProvider |
Settings for connecting to a file server (ftp server, etc.)
| FileServiceProxySettings | |
| FileTrigger |
Trigger based on presence, absence, or state of files
| FindReferenceResults | The results of a query to find objects that reference an ADTIndependentObject |
| FoundReference | Represents a found reference to an ADTIndependentObject from another ADTObject. |
| FtpServer | |
| GoogleCloudStorageConnector | |
| GoogleDriveConnector | |
| IBMCloudObjectStorageConnector | |
| IllegalObjectReassignmentException | The exception that is thrown if an ADTObject that already belongs to one object is assigned to another. |
| ImportedObject |
Contains information about an imported object.
| ImportExportFacility |
Provides import and export facilities.
| InstanceCounts |
Contains counts of job instances in various states
| Job |
Represents a Job
| JobAgentJoin | Contains information about a job's status on a particular |
| JobCondition |
Condition that depends on the state or outcome of one or more other jobs
| JobControlAction |
Action to control the execution of the current job or another job
| JobExecutionSettings |
Settings for executing a job on-demand
| JobExecutionTask | |
| JobExecutionTaskTarget | |
| JobGroup |
Represents a Job Group
| JobLinkInfo |
Contains information about a job and the jobs that reference or are referenced by it.
| JobLinkResults | Contains the results from retrieving job chain information using DataContext.GetJobChain. |
| JobQueue |
Represents a Job Queue
| JobServices |
Methods for working with job execution and history
| JobStatus |
Contains status and statistics for a job
| JobStep |
Represents a step within a job
| JobTrigger |
A trigger that starts jobs based on the execution status of other jobs.
| JobTriggerTarget |
Represents a target for a JobTrigger
| JobVariable |
Represents a Job Variable
| LinodeObjectStorageConnector | |
| LogMessage |
Represents a message logged on the server
| MessagingServiceProvider |
Contains settings for a Messaging Service Provider (e.g., email server).
| NetworkConnection |
Represents a network connection that must be established for a job to run
| NotificationAction |
Response action that sends a notification message
| NotificationAddress | Represents a delivery address for a NotificationRecipient |
| NotificationGroup | A group of NotificationRecipients |
| NotificationGroupMember | Represents a member of a NotificationGroup |
| NotificationIndividual |
An individual notification recipient
| NotificationRecipient | Base class for notification recipients (Individuals and Groups) |
| NotificationTask | A Task that sends notification messages |
| ObjectBase |
Base class for most adTempus data objects.
| ObjectChangeLog |
Represents an audit or snapshot record in the change log
| ObjectFactory | |
| ObjectFactory.FileServiceProviderFactory | |
| ObjectFactoryBase | This class contains methods for creating adTempus data objects within a DataContext. |
| ObjectLinkInfo |
Represents a link between two objects.
| OIDFactoryImpl |
Helper class to simplify OID creation for COM clients.
| OneDriveConnector | |
| Option |
Represents a server option
| ProcessCondition |
A condition that depends on the state of a process (Windows executable) running outside adTempus
| ProcessTrigger |
Trigger that starts a job based on the state of a process running outside adTempus
| ProgramExecutionTask |
Task that runs an external program, script, batch file, etc.
| QueueAgentJoin | Represents a link between a JobQueue and a RemoteAgent |
| ReadOnlyException |
The exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to modify a read-only object.
| RemoteAgent |
Represents a Remote Agent where jobs can be run.
| RemoteAgentCredentialProfile | Overrides a CredentialProfile for a particular RemoteAgent |
| Resource |
Represents a resource that is required for a job
| Response | A Response defines a set of actions to execute when specified events occur during job execution. |
| ResponseAction | An action executed by a |
| ResponseEvent | Represents an event that triggers a Response |
| RestartComputerTask |
Task that restarts the host computer
| Schedule |
A Schedule defines rules for when a job should run.
| Scheduler |
Represents a connection to an adTempus server.
| ScheduleTrigger |
Trigger that executes a job on a date/time-based schedule
| Script |
Represents a script stored in adTempus
| ScriptAction | A ResponseAction that executes a Script. |
| ScriptCondition | A Condition that depends on the result of a script. |
| ScriptExecutionTask | A Task that executes either a Script stored in adTempus or an external script file |
| ScriptLibrary |
A library of reusable script code
| SearchReplaceMatch |
Contains information about a match during a search/replace operation
| SearchReplaceResult |
Contains the results of a search/replace operation for a single object
| SecurityDescriptor |
Contains the security permissions for an object.
| SecurityEntity |
Represents a user or group of users who have permissions in adTempus
| SecurityLogin |
A security login represents a user authorized to log in to adTempus
| SecurityRole | A security role represents a set of permissions that can be assigned to a SecurityLogin or to another SecurityRole. |
| SecurityTemplate |
A SecurityTemplate is used to define permissions to classes of objects
| ServerSettings |
Contains server-wide settings for the adTempus instance.
| ServiceControlTask |
Task that stops or starts a Windows service
| SftpServer | |
| SharedSchedule |
Represents a schedule of days that can be shared across multiple jobs
| StartupTrigger |
A trigger that starts a job each time the adTempus service is started
| Task | Base class for Tasks run by JobSteps |
| TerminateProcessTask |
Task that terminates a process running outside of adTempus
| TimeCriterion |
Rule that specifies the time(s) at which a job will execute
| TokenFindMatch |
Provides information about a variable or inline function reference found in an object
| TokenFindResult |
Contains information about Job Variable or Inline Function references found in an object.
| Trigger |
Base class for Triggers that determine when a job will execute
| TriggerStatus | Shows the state of a Trigger |
| UndoLevel | Represents an undo snapshot for an ObjectBase. |
| UnitOfWork |
A UnitOfWork is a group of object saves and deletions that are sent to the server in one call and executed in one transaction
| VariableCondition | A Condition that depends on the value of a JobVariable |
| VariableUpdateAction | ResponseAction that updates the value of a JobVariable |
| VariableUpdateTask | Task that updates the value of a JobVariable |
| WasabiConnector | |
| WcfBindingSettings |
Communication settings for the client connection.
| WebRequestTask | Task that sends a request to w Web server |
| WMITrigger |
Trigger that triggers jobs based on WMI events