adTempus API
ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Client Namespace / SecurityTemplate Class / SupportedSecurityActions Property

In This Topic
    SupportedSecurityActions Property (SecurityTemplate)
    In This Topic
    List of security actions supported by this object. List of security actions supported by this object.
    Public Overrides NotOverridable ReadOnly Property SupportedSecurityActions As Dictionary(Of Integer,String)
    public override Dictionary<int,string> SupportedSecurityActions {get;}
    property Dictionary<int,String^>^ SupportedSecurityActions {
       Dictionary<int,String^>^ get() override;

    Property Value

    A dictionary of the supported actions. The key is one of the ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Shared.SecurityPermission values and the value is the name of the permission (from ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Shared.Describe.GetSecurityPermissionName; a given SecurityPermission may use different names in different contexts).A dictionary of the supported actions. The key is one of the ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Shared.SecurityPermission values and the value is the name of the permission (from ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Shared.Describe.GetSecurityPermissionName; a given SecurityPermission may use different names in different contexts).
    See Also