adTempus API
ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Shared Namespace / JobAgentOptions Enumeration

In This Topic
    JobAgentOptions Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Defines options that control how jobs in a ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Client.JobQueue are distributed to Agents.
    Public Enum JobAgentOptions 
       Inherits System.Enum
    public enum JobAgentOptions : System.Enum 
    public enum class JobAgentOptions : public System.Enum 
    BasicAgent1 Jobs are triggered on the Controller server and sent to all agents for execution
    ConditionsOnController16For jobs with BasicAgent, conditions for the job are evaluated on the Controller. If not set, conditions are evaluated on the Agent.
    Failover32 Reserved for future use.
    MirrorOnAll2 The job is mirrored (replicated) to all agents, which manage triggering and execution themselves
    PreferServerLoadOverQueueCounts64For SelectBest, give priority to the target with the lowest server load, rather than the one where the job can be executed soonest.
    QueueCommands8 If the Controller cannot communicate with the Agent, commands are queued and sent to the Agent when contact is restored.
    SelectBest4 adTempus selects the best agent from the list of agents.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also