Job Group Properties
The Job Group Properties window is displayed when you create or edit a Job Group. To view or modify the properties for a Group, right-click the group's name in the Console Tree or the Job List and select the Edit... or View... command.
Property Pages
The Group page defines general settings for the group.
Provide a descriptive name for the group (255 characters maximum). The name can be changed at any time. The name must be unique within the parent group.
Enter any extended descriptive information or notes for this group. There is no limit on the length of the text.
Hold Status
The Hold Status determines whether and how jobs in this group (and its sub-groups) can be executed.
- Enabled (not held). The job can be run by Triggers, Responses, and on-demand. Checking or unchecking this box unchecks or checks the other three options. If this option is checked, the job is fully enabled for all execution types.
- Hold triggers. All Triggers defined for the job are ignored. Note: This option holds all triggers for the job, not just Schedule Triggers.
- Prevent chained execution by other jobs. Any Job Control Actions that target the job will be prevented from executing it. adTempus will log an error message in the job log for the calling job, indicating that the target job cannot be run
- Prevent manual execution. Users will be prevented from executing the job on-demand using the Run command or the adtexec utility.
Cycle ID
Check the Use this group as a cycle scope option if you want to be able to assign Cycle IDs for jobs run in this group. Once this option is checked, you must configure a job to update the Cycle ID to mark the beginning of each cycle. See the Cycle ID topic for more information.
The current Cycle ID for the group, if any, will be shown here.
The Variables page defines Job Variables that are inherited by all Jobs and Groups in this group. You may add, modify, or delete Job Variables, or override the values of Variables that the group has inherited.
A Group inherits Variables from its parent group. The top-level (root) group inherits the server-level variables.
This feature is new for adTempus version 4.
The Responses page defines responses that will be executed for all Jobs in the group (and its sub-groups). Configuring Responses at the Group level allows you to easily apply a standard configuration to all jobs. For example, if you want to always send a notification message to the same group of people if a job fails, you can configure a failure Response for the group, rather than configuring a Response for each individual job.
The events that you can configure Responses for at the Group level are the same as those available for jobs.
The Security page is used to view or modify the security settings for this object. See the Security Editor topic for more information on editing security settings.
Permissions set for the Group are inherited by jobs within the Group.
The following permissions apply to Job Groups:
Permission | Description |
Full Control | Permission to perform all actions on the group. |
List/Reference | Permission to list this group. |
View | Permission to view the properties of the group. |
Create jobs and groups in this group | Permission to create new jobs or groups in this group, or move existing jobs to this group. |
Modify | Permission to modify the properties of the group. |
Delete | Permission to delete the group. |
Administer security | Permission to change the security settings for the group. |
Change owner | Permission to take ownership of the group. |