Server Security Certificates

adTempus uses TCP/IP for communication between computers. This includes communication between the Console and the adTempus server, between two adTempus servers that are linked, and between Master and Agent servers when you are using Distributed Scheduling.

If the computers are both part of the same Windows security domain or there is a trust relationship between the computers or their domains, the communication channel is secured by Windows.

Otherwise, you must install an X.509 server certificate on the adTempus server.

Obtaining a Server Certificate

If the server where adTempus is running already has a commercially-issued certificate, that certificate can be used for adTempus as well.

Otherwise you will need to obtain a certificate through one of these means:

Commercially-Issued SSL Certificate

You can obtain an SSL certificate (which is an X.509 certificate) from a commercial issuer. However, such certificates can be costly and a commercially-issued certificate is not necessary for adTempus.

Internally-Issued Certificate

You can obtain a certificate from your domain's or organization's certificate authority. Contact your security administrator for assistance with obtaining and installing a certificate.

Note that when you use this approach, the root certification authority used for the certificate must be trusted by all computers that will be connecting to adTempus. You therefore may need to install the authority as an additional trusted authority on those computers or domains.

Self-Signed Certificate

For testing or low-risk situations you can use a self-signed certificate, which is a certificate issued locally on the computer, rather than by a certificate authority. You can generate a self-signed certificate using the Endpoint Configuration Tool. Note that a self-signed certificate will not be trusted by other computers, and you will be prompted to review and trust the certificate when you connect to the server.

Configuring adTempus to Use the Certificate

Once a suitable certificate has been installed on the server, run the Endpoint Configuration Tool to configure adTempus to use the certificate.