The File Capture action is used to "capture" files produce by your job. Captured files are copied into the adTempus data directory and retained as part of the history for the job.
For example, if a scheduled program creates a log file of its activities each time it runs, you can capture this file so that it is retained with the job's history.
The File Capture action also gives you the option of sending captured files by e-mail.
To view captured files, view the properties for the instance once the job or step completes. The files will be found in the Captured Files list for the job; from here you can open the files or copy them to a new location.
Captured files are associated with the instance An instance is a specific execution of a job. that originally captured them. When that instance is deleted, its captured files are deleted as well. See the job's General page to specify how long the job history should be retained. |
File Capture Action Properties