The Command Line Builder helps you create a command line to process a report using the Command Runner.
Use the Command Line Builder and Command Runner when you only need to process a single report to produce a single output, or if you need to be able to control all aspects of report processing through command-line parameters. For more complex processing (such as multiple reports or multiple outputs in a single run), use the Project Editor and Project Runner instead. See the Modes of Operation topic for more information.
If you have an existing command line (created with this or any earlier version of Report Commander), the Report Commander can read that command line to fill in the settings in the Command Line Builder.
To use this feature, choose the Read Settings from Command Line command from the File menu to open the Read Settings from Command Line window. Paste your existing command line from the clipboard into this window, and Report Commander will extract the settings from it.
The Command Line Builder can read and save the same project file format that is used by the Project Editor and Project Runner. A project you save from the Command Line Builder can be opened in the Project Editor and executed using the Project Runner.
Projects saved using the Project Editor can be opened using the Command Line Builder as long as they meet these restrictions:
If the project does not meet these requirements, the Command Line Builder will show an error message and the project will not be loaded.